sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016

how TECNOLOGY develop in back to the future

Wow this is one of my favorites movies the trilogy of movie about the doctor create a time machine, i think everyone knows about this movies the particularity of all the movies is a lot of things are in the movie that don't exist in the pass years but they star creating those stuff
sample, the flying board,  is one of the best i think people are start make the imagination become reality  the car flying i think there are almost there, anyway is some car companies there are trying to upgrade the cars and created intelligent cars, Also other thing that get my attention is the drone, in one of the movies i think the second movie  i saw one scene that is a dog walking in the park next to a flying drone i think is fantastic if they can do that, is a lot of information online about they trying to make robots help people

Also in other scene when the doctor is trying to get the magazine or there trying to get the lady i observe that they have some lights outside the house but large this solar light there are using right now are solar lights and is a lot more stuff about this trilogy that we can see how they become reality
i hope all those people do creations by fantasy i hope one day can become reality

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