sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

What we can see about technology in the Movie LUCY

This movie showing about the lady her name is LUCY and she got a drug that made her brain works little by little and in the movie of course they need to over act but if you think out of the box is not no much far from the reality the human are looking ways to improve and different manners

Imagine if they can create that drug? maybe is already out there that is amazing!
Now in a real life is some drugs that help people with mental problems or some issues maybe to control the stress or some other issues but i hear online that is some drugs that people using to improve focus i m wondering if that really works? who knows?

In universities is some student have using a drug call modafinil  this the smart drug help to be awake and focus for a long period, if you know something about experience share with us and comment

 the point is in the technology can made this movie some like a true way or inspired people to create more for the futures generations

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